Sunday 28 March 2010

Saint Celestine - finished

Well, here she is, and due to time constraints a number of key areas of the plan had to be jettisoned. As a result I feel that I have not entered the best possible version of Celestine I can do into this competition, but hopefully its good enough.

She is firstly all in NMM. Gold Armour, Silver sword and Brass Orb. The sword is blended down to green for the Power Weapon. Scroll work is basic scroll with lettering on the large ones at the feet.

The robe held by the cherubs is a cool blue. A unique mix of my own, 1:1 Regal Blue/Shadow Grey with a dab of chaos black. then highlighted up with various degrees of Bleached Bone added to the mix.

The bird is your common city or garden Pigeon. To black stripes on the wings, shiny green neck, yellow eyes.

The hip robe is wet blended Regal Blue into Scab Red with white added to the highlight.

The cherub's are rushed off and frankly awful.

The is no freehand design on the model due to time pressure.

The base is no longer a temple floor, and is instead a Grassy battlefield with a single rose growing under her feet. Again this change had to be made right at the last hour due to time running out.

And thats it. Hope you like it. All I can see are the mistakes. I'd like to attempt her again one day, for my own pleasure and see how much improvement I can make.

Because this whole thing is about pushing myself to keep improving.


  1. I love the model alot, your style is very unique and fresh. My only gripe is the base is kindof bland, so a model thats so striking I want a little more going on with the base...other than that, excellent paint job.

  2. Yes, i totally agree with you about the base.

    Ironically, this weekend released a resin ruined temple base with cool details. it would have been lazy but given the time limit I could have just ordered a base off the internet.

    I think I'd better have another go at Saint Celestine. What do you reckon?

  3. She looks awesome, NMM and wet blending and all that. It is a shame you didn't have more time to do the base, but I would definitely get one off the net next time. People seem to put so much importance on the base. As long as it is appropriate to the model and of high quality, what's the difference? It sets the scene etc, but I see so many where the model looks like an afterthought. It bugs me.

    Did you find out yet how she performed?

  4. Oh, also, give the model another go if you fancy, but I'm guessing there's another competition on the go now as well?

  5. Nah move on to a different model is what I say...I would like to see your style on some space wolf char.

    maybe even a pedro kantor....hmm
