Tuesday 6 April 2010

Technical Knock Out

Saint Celestine failed. Another silver, but onkly by virtue of a low turn out I reckon. The next miniature will be both Kal Jericho and Scabbs, from Necromunda. I hope to do his epic coolness justice.

And to do this I have been reflecting on a few things. The overall messiness of the final product that was Saint Celestine, and the battle against time. There were many "heavy handed", "un-blended" and "thoughtless brushstrokes" on the Celestine model that meant she wasn't the pristine paragon of virtue she is meant to be. And this seems to be fast becoming my "style". The way people are recognising my paintings is because they are more "impressionistic" than realisitic. Well thats not what I was playing for so something is going wrong!

There is clearly a flaw in my technique that needs sorting and has done for a while. I can't find anyone who is giving me any helpful tips in the slightest, so, I have decided to analyse it myself.

My conclusion is I would be helped by a more contrasted style that demarcated areas of colour plainly. Like a comic book. Black lines around everything to "fence in the colour". Making everything neater I hope. To do this I have decided to start at the start with my undercoat.

I have decided a white Undercoat wiith a quick black wash will show up all the places I need to respect quickly and thoroughly.Obviously a white undercoat is going to change the final look of the paint job a little and it'll be interesting to see how this goes.

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