Monday 26 April 2010

The Ride of the Rohirrim

"Now for wrath, now for ruin, and a red nightfall!"

The War of the Ring is upon us, I tell you. The single book to play massed battles of Lord of the Rings Strategy Battle Games has been out for nearly 18 months now, and in May a new expansion is being released full of epic potential.

I have recently been convinced to give the Lord of the Rings tabletop game a go again after some time where I had let it slip. Mostly because I moved to a new town and it has never been my undying love, like say Warhammer Fantasy Battle, or 40k have. I did enjoy the skirmish game though. I really enjoyed it and I got beaten about 80% of the time. In 2004 I think it was the game I played most. Firstly for its ease to pick up the rules. Secondly because of the relative speed of a game and to set-up a table. One hour all said and done. But like I say I moved towns and left it all behind.

Until now.
On the eve of the new Battlehosts book, my head has been turned back to the One Ring. Previously I have had bands of warriors from Gondor, Uruk Hai, and my indomitable Dwarves. But in the old version of the game I only ever had 8 or so warriors on the table at a time. My collection is limited.

In this new version of the game 8 warriors make up a single stand, called a company. a collection of companys makes up a fighting unit called a Formation. And you have several formations in an army. However It cost about £16 to get 24 warriors so that will make pretty formidable formation relatively cheaply.
But who should I choose?

There is something that stirs my heart about an epic cavalry charge. There is something of the viking artisanship that appeals to my soul. There is something in the Anglo-Saxon names that chimes in my head. And as for their forlorn battlecries and deathwish saga's, well, it works for me.

I have decided to test my mettle on the Riddermark, sat high in the saddle like a complete novice my thighs chafed and red raw. I have my debut game tomorrow, tuesday the 27th.

So my novice army list is:

Theoden, King of Rohan  125pts      as my Compulsary Hero

4 Companys of Warriors of Rohan    80pts           as my Compulsary Common Formation

2 Companys of bowmen         40pts                   Common Formation

2 Companys of Sons of Eorl Cavalry          235pts         Rare Formation
w/ Marshall, Banner Bearer, Hornblower

Total: 480 pts  

To make it up to 500 points in the end I will add either one more company of bowmen or one more company of warriors. I will have to save up for them.

To those in the know how does list sound as an effective force? Will it cut the mustard? I think initially it is a pretty high fight value and a good charge, but pretty low defence values that could mean it melts away the longer the battle goes on. It has punch, King Theoden really improves everything around him, and the sons of eorl can terrorize most things in the world, but this army needs to hit a knockout early for risk of a glass jaw.

Anyway some more inspiring lines to finish, that would have me charging into certain death for the lost cause, for lost friends, and for lost innocence. I have a Rohan Mindset already.

"Arise! Arise, riders of Théoden! Spears shall be shaken, shields shall be splintered - a sword day, a red day, ere the sun rises! Ride now! Ride now! Ride! Ride to ruin, and the world's ending! Forth Éorlingas!"

1 comment:

  1. nice picture man... but a link wouldve been nice... i bet you dont know what ive wrote below the horse!

