Friday 1 April 2011

Which new army?

Image property of Games Workshop ltd.
I have spent most of the year, since last october actually, building and playing 40k. But as the season turns, and the nights are getting longer, the first green shoots are springing up, the F1 season starts (perfect painting background), change is in the air, Wrestlemania is upon us where all stories lines conclude (TNA continue to let me down), I find my tiny little mind turning to pastures new and an urge to start a new project overcomes me.

Not only do I want to start up Warhammer Fantasy again, I want to start a whole new army. I'm bored with my Averland Empire for the minute. I won't sell them, they'll just get boxed up and put in cold storage.

So I found myself stood in front of the wall of Warhammer in my local GW trying to decide what army to invest in 

Warriors of Chaos = Good Painting projects, loads of conversions potential, already have some models, Very tasty range of models. BUT .... I'm not sure if I would enjoy the style of play, I get the feeling people will just consider me a follower of fashion. X

Vampire Counts = I would quite like to do an Old Necarch themed army with loads of sewn up unfortunates (maybe new Dark eldar bits will be suitable), I like the skeleton plastics BUT .... There are probably enough Vampire Count armies in the world. I feel I would need bulky units and the boxes are only 10 at a time, seems like it could get expensive. X

Tomb Kings = They are getting a new range in the next month, My very first Warhammer Book was "Undead" (1993?) and my first warhammer model Arkhan the Black on his Manticore Chariot. I still have an old Nagash knocking about at my parents house I think. But .... The Egyptian theme isn't really inspiring me at the moment and from what i here the playing style is quite methodical, not very creative. Not many units choices that sing to me X

Lizardmen = Something I haven't painted before, sounds like they are fun to play with BUT .... None of the models really inspire me except the Slaan, the Aztec theme would interesting but like the Tomb Kings its not sparking any ideas right now. I really hate the plastic fish tank leafs people put on the bases. X

Deamons of Chaos = Loads of converting and painting potential, I'm told they are killer army BUT .... I don't want to be thought of as another bloody deamon player, They don't really float my boat as an entire army. X

Orcs and Goblins
= New book, fun army, great to paint, fun models BUT .... I'm not entirely won over by every model in the range. I'd want to move away from Night Goblins, The forest goblins feathers and exotica turn me off, though the Arachnarok is a cool model. I'd want a grubbier, marshy horde. I'd call them Bog Goblins and Boggarts. X

= I had an army in 6th edition, still got the models. BUT .... would probably want to re-do the army. Not many units in the army that I look at and think cool looking. They pig upsets me. The minotaur legs upset me. The Shaggoth vanishing upsets me the replacement monsters with no model to represent them upsets me.  X

Dark Elves = tempted, I think the models look superb. The banners would be fun to paint. BUT .... I could find them hard to master, there seem to be enough Dark Elves in the world at the moment. X

Skaven = cool models, loads of conversion potential and new paint techniques to try. sound fun. BUT .... lots of people have started skaven armies, lots of models. X

Ogre Kingdoms = old book, think i should wait for new one. X

Brettonians = old book, think i should wait for new one. X

High Elves = nice models, fun to paint BUT .... not feeling the whiter than white vibe, maybe for another time. X

Empire = already got X

Dwarfs = quite like the celtic braiding and the character models. BUT .... the core models are terrible, little pyramid people,don't want a black powder gunline army. X

Wood Elves = another old army i used to collect many many years ago. like the background, BUT .... don't like all the models in the range, little fairies and cheap looking imps clinging to stuff really annoy me, might be hard for me to master style of play, HOWEVER I fell like I will take them YES

Something sparked in my imagination with the Wood Elves I was thinking of an Owl themed army with War Hawks converted to war Owls and little owls sat on banners or characters. And maybe from the Glade of Eternal Moonlight. Black, blues and white. A couple of wizards, some dyrads, some horses, archers of course, 1 unit of eternal guard with blades glinting in the moonlight, Waywatchers, maybe dark coloured WarDancers.

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