Friday 25 June 2010

Sergeant Harker

So I have finished Sgt. Harker for a competition at my local Games Workshop Hobby Store. I think you'll agree its an ace face, I'm quite happy with how its come out and you have to say that is helped massively by how lovely the sculpt is. Its a beautiful miniature.

The "slabs of muscle" as described in his army entry in the Imperial Codex, are there on the model, long and broad and ready to be filled with paint. Adding extra lines to the muscle gives it a fibre and tensing look, and really brings the model to live. It is the flesh on this model that I feel proudest of.

The metallic less so. I ran out of time and got a bit rushed and thought that drybrushed metallic paint over black will do. And frankly I think its a bit of second division painting that detracts from the things I've done well. I'm a bit disappointed with it.

The base was just a standard gaming base (sand, scorched brown, dry brushed bestial, dry brushed bleached bone, pva static grass) so that I can give the model to my brother and he can get some use out of Sgt. Harker in his Imperial Guard Corps.

I will take some more shots of models I've painted shortly, updating the Sorcorer and the Defiler when I can.

Monday 21 June 2010

Catch - Up!

Sorry for a while between posts I had a busy-time at work, due to someone getting married and going on honeymoon (many, many happy wishes go with you Kerry and Andy), and then I went on holiday to America, photo provided below. This year i didn't see a bear. Or the Motorcity Machineguns. But that has nothing to do with Warhammer so...

Things what I 'ave bin up to: 1) War of the Rings, beginner's winning streak. Putting in a superfast Elfhelm's Riders formation now. Converting a Marshall Elfhelm from Marshall of the Riddermark model. Green stuff helmet not brilliant. 2) Just 4 hours before leaving for Heathrow, I played a 2000 point game of 40k against my brother's new Imperial Guard. My Chaos Space Marine's won 7-4 on Kill Points. But in actually game terms I was pretty much dominant from start to finish after a superb 1st turn of shooting and better use of terrain. 3) Painted Kal Jericho and Scabbs for a competition trying out the white undercoat theory. it was certainly bolder. 4) bought a magnifer lamp with daylight bulb from Maplins. Now that's a hell of a difference!!! 5) painting Sgt. Harker for a competition in 5 days... photo's to come.

Thats what I have been up to, but of course many, many things have been happening in the world of Games Workshop. 10/07/10 will be the release date of Warhammer Rulebook 8th Edition, as I have mentioned before. I have put down a pre-release order fro the Collector's Edition, the normal edition, and the NEW magic card deck!

I did question the necessity of new rules for Warhammer, and having gone through a copy at my local GW Store with the ever effervescent Irish John guiding my eyes, it isn't just a tidy up around the edges. There is serious change in this book in nearly ever section of the game. And I see the effects of War of the Ring, (measure when and what you want, charge rolls, wider units (hoardes)) and 40k (even partial hits are hits under a template. scatter artillery dice -BS, troop types) but it is still its own game entirely i think. Whether it remains the Master Game, the man amongst the boys, the pinnacle of table-top tactics, remains to be seen (I'm sure it will).

For a thorough and more enjoyable preview of the new army book Bad Dice Podcast has a brilliant episode up this week. I highly recommend it.

Finally there will be new Deamon models in July/August, with some lovely sculpts representing some of the characters in the Army Book/Codex that are yet to be released. New Plastic River Trolls, and the most Dynamic Boar Boyz ever! I think the Boar Boyz should already go into that Citadel Miniatures Hall of Fame. Quite astounding. And, for the moment, they are only £15. I wish Great Sword's were as good value for money, I'd put a Hoard of them in my 8th Edition Army. Anyway. Also coming soon some Internet only Empire civilians, one with a dancing bear! I have already picked out the moustachioed, dashing gent with a chest full of medals to be a hero for my Empire Army.

Exciting Times Ahead!